Posts in diet
Why Eating Well Can Save Your Teeth

Dental diet advice goes well beyond just sugar control. Periodontitis is a major public health issue, and is influenced by many factors beyond dental hygiene, including genetics, smoking, and alcohol consumption. An association between a balanced diet and periodontal health has been observed for centuries.

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Can you lower your blood pressure with food?

To maintain healthy blood pressure what you do eat (plant foods) is as important as what you limit in your diet (alcohol, salt, highly processed food). Food, however, is only one modifiable variable that affects your blood pressure. Exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight are also important, as is controlling stress.

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You are what your gut bacteria eat

Recent studies find that the state of the inhabitants of our gut may affect our immune system, our weight status, our susceptibility to disease, our energy levels, our mental state and our mood.  
But how does one get the kind of microbial society that’s most conducive to wellness?

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The best diet for shedding belly fat

When it comes to storing fat it isn’t just how much we eat, but also what we eat. Some foods – and no, it isn’t just beer that causes a big belly – lead to fat storage in the worst-for-health places – in the liver and around internal organs.

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