Q Are you a real doctor?

Yes. I have a Medical Doctor (M.D.) degree (Hebrew University in Jerusalem), I also specialized in pediatrics (Hadassah Medical Center) and medical genetics (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia).

Q How do I pronounce your name?


Q What does food have to do with medicine?

Glad you asked. As a physician I was always very interested in prevention, and one of the pillars of health promotion is what -- and how much -- we eat. What we eat affects our wellbeing profoundly. Now let's admit the rest: I love food, I enjoy eating it, making it, and the esthetics of a well thought out meal. These posts are the result of mixing these two passions.

Q With all this confusion about what to eat, who should I trust?

Your skepticism is in place. I suggest to look at evidence and look at what makes sense to you personally.

I hope that I can earn your trust -- as a physician and foodie I have been poring through lots of nutrition studies and opinions over many years and my husband says I have a lot of common sense.


Q You talk about healthy eating, but your recipes also include cakes and cookies, with butter and sugar a-plenty?

I never said we shouldn't indulge every once in a while. I serve dessert at dinner parties and on weekend and holiday meals, and when eating out I'll usually order some. For me, if it's an occasional treat it should be sweet, needn't be low-fat or low anything, and chocolate is a form of therapy.

Q I found typos on you site, and grammar mistakes, shouldn't you get yourself an editor?

Mistakes make me cringe -- once I see them. But please show forgiveness; this is my personal blog and more or less a one person operation, run by a very imperfect human being with no copy editors or proofreaders standing by. However, I do appreciate corrections and love to learn, so please send those and any helpful comment you might have!

Q Can I see more of your paintings?

Of course. See here.

Q Do you work out? What do you recommend?

Yes. Definitely. I recommend that you do whatever it is that you enjoy the most. It is hard to keep going and get hooked on a routine when you're constantly looking at your watch. My favorites are yoga and long walks -- I'm lucky to live in an area with rolling hills, plenty of open space, and to have good walking companions, so I get a pleasurable workout right out of my door.